Monday, May 17, 2010

I am not very interesting today.

This is my desk:

Please ignore the crappy photo; I took it with my phone (+2 life points for using a semi-colon in a blog post).

That's all I have for you today.

I was searching for inspiration and I just couldn't see past the blue fabric of my "walls." And then I realized that before I joined the 9-5 crowd, I was actually fascinated by the idea of cubicles. And so, in the event that any of you are as lame as I was/am, here's a post about my cube.

SIDE STORY: When I started dating Boyfriend, he was already out of college, and I had all sorts of crazy ideas about what was in his cube (whimsical pictures of us! stacks of paper labeled important! a constantly ringing phone!). What he actually had was a Kirby Puckett bobble head. I should have known.


In the photo above, you'll notice two of my four calendars. Why do I have four? Because I start to go into a blind panic if I can't see exactly what date and time it is from any given angle at my desk. So I'll keep them all, thank you, and add another if I get a chair that has better swiveling capabilities.

You'll also notice a campy mug with hearts on it. Purchased at T.J. Maxx for five dollars, it gets the job done and makes students think I'm older than I am, because seriously, who has patterned mugs? I want to replace it with this. Incidentally, my birthday is August 9th. No reason. Just saying.

That pink, sea anemone-type thing? I have no idea. It was novel for a while and now its home is right in front of the green water bottle that gets no use.

Boyfriend's Official C League softball schedule. A given. Remember the Kirby Puckett bobble head?

White Out to amend the four calendars I have at my desk.

Post-it notes in a color I dislike. I prefer the classic yellow, with black pen. But sometimes, you just have to suffer through.

White organizer that has a notebook I have used once and then found too cumbersome to bring around with me, assorted pens of which I actually only use two, business cards, a cute note from Boyfriend that I thought would be lame to pin up but now am actually considering (in the time it took to type that, I've already reconsidered). A ruler because I flip out if things aren't level. Spoons because I like to eat my yogurt from something that isn't plastic and designed to cut up my mouth. And a lone cough drop left over from my mysterious illness.

And that's it. I won't even get into the other side of my desk.

I'm sure all nine of you really enjoyed this.

It is absolutely no wonder that we do not have more followers.

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